As of yet, I have no followers. Nothing.
This blog may as well be some ghost town in Wyoming, next to the tourist trap town. No one has heard of it (except of course people who live in Wyoming. hi andrew. ohow are you? aaarrrrrggggghhhhh (reading over the shoulder.))
Essentially, I could write twenty posts tonight about inconsequential things. Not a soul would care, as this page is just a small wisp of air. It's kind of like that fart that you let out in math class; No one heard it or smelt it, so you just pretended it didn't happen.
Just like my canine companion was cursed with small genitalia that could never produce young, I have small ears. My headphones keep falling out because they just won't suction in there. They are some old Skull Candy's that I got to be edgy. Distantly in the past, I possessed a BlueTooth headset. $14 were lost in the clearance electronics at Meijer. I threw it out after trying to use it for five days. One of those days, I had a glorious phone conversation with ManMan while I was busy at work tending to the flat display at the greenhouse. The catch was that I had to rubber band it to my ears. It really looked stupid, and I could not figure it out again. What a total waste.
My non-dog BFF recommended I watch this show 'Teen Wolf'. I assume that it's on Netflix Instant Queue, so I'll play it on my phone and be extra exciting and watch it.
Opening. Police Car. I bet some person has been mangled by some kinda ANIMAAALl.
No wait. Zoom on house. Naked boy is fixing a lacross paddle?? Certainly worked himself up a sweat.
His jerk friend just fell out of his roof or something to tell him about WAIT FOR IT. Dead Body.
Joggers found it. And half of it was there. Duh it was an animal.
Lol. Kid just said the key thing "What if whatever killed the body is still out there?"
I bet the main kid is going to get bit by a werewolf. He is in the woods by himself after all.
No, just trampled by sweet CG deer. Elk or something.
Lol. I can't narrarate my watching experience. This entry was supposed to be about my ears dangit.
I'm ending for the minute. Be back in a few minutes. To post something else stupid.
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