Monday, December 1, 2014


Hello again. I ended up publishing only about three posts in November. NaNoWriMo did anything but produce more blog posts, because I filled ever spare minute with glorious, uninterrupted writing. This month of NaNo was the best one I have ever had, and I have never had such an honest word count as this one!

So I did some interesting projects.
Finally, I tore apart my UD Book of Shadows IV Redux and made it something more friendly for my purse.
I have photos I can upload from that.

I also attempted that faux undercut with a braid. While it did not turn out, I ended up taking it myspace style and dolling myself up for a psuedo bathroom photo shoot. It was a nice opportunity to let my inner badass free for once. That is, instead of suppressing her with my husband's hoodie and generally work/school appropriate makeup.

More on NaNoWriMo and the fate of Distortia/Doppelgang/Double-Goer or whatever it is I am choosing to call my story these days; the book of shadows depotting; and attempts at MOTD posts.

Maybe December will be a touch brighter for my fumbling attempts at blogging.

Also here is a question: Why do most beauty bloggers I see, only wear the makeup they swatch on their arm? Rarely do I see people actually create looks with the products. Another chunk have once reviewed makeup and instead are writing posts about how sticky notes saved their life and reviewing companies for fire insurance. I had no idea beauty blogging was really supposed to be mundane like that...
In lieu of actual content in this post, here is my beautiful puppy. Nightshade is a truly sweet and loving dog. I absolutely love him and his half-effort movements and mannerisms.

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