Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lorac POREfectly waow.

My Ulta order contained some lovely samples.
I have very graciously posed them next to a pillow, to distract from my disgusting floor. 
The hair product is kind of lost on me. My ability to do my hair ends past a crappy braid or a sloppy pony tail. Something with curl and blow drying? Heck no. If I use the Matrix stuff, maybe Hell will freeze over - and I'm not talking about Hell, Michigan.

Next is the Lorac POREfection. This I was pleased as punch to get. The foil packet, when sealed with a paperclip has so far yielded enough for three applications and may allow for one or two more if I'm extra lucky.

So it's a gel, and rubbing it into my face it almost had a powdery feel. Incredibly fine powder. It left my face nice and smooth. With special attention to my chin, I dabbled that crap on top of my moisturizer with SPF 913. (false)

A big problem I had with my garnier BB cream was that it left my skin greasy. I could not use moisturizer with that or with my foundation. Sacrifice had to be made. With the POREfection, I was able to use moisturizer and foundation. And concealer.

Another problem I have had was just in concealer. My chin breaks out at a hairpin trigger. Hormonal changes during lovely weeks every month. Stress. Garnier BB cream. From my Tzone I am prone to some breakouts. Breakouts for me beget a bad habit. I impulsively pick at the breakouts, knowing full well that wound infections could happen with skin flora in the wound. That I'm exacerbating it. Scarring. That always ends in a crushing "Balls, I have this huge frigging zit here. It's the size of the world."

Self conscious, I dab concealer on in the manner you are supposed to. I blend it out and it's fine for about ten minutes. Ten minutes may be a little low, but whenever I look to the mirror later on there lays a crusty layer of dried skin and exposed red. Good. Now it looks like it's pussing or something.

With the Lorac primer, the concealer stayed all day. Additionally, no crusties. wow.
So let's see here results.
See? Very faint blemishes and smooth skin.
My foundation in this picture was the Almay, which looks nice but does register orange. My blush is my Ulta cheek tint, which I am really loving right now.

The last sample I was given was that lovely little perfume sample. Price wise, it's about $0.05. My gosh it smelled so good, like a fresh peeled orange. The smell was brief though, and I'm not sure I could sense it throughout the whole day. The smell was very fancy and made me feel clean. Maybe I would buy it, if the price were right.

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